Soxos Australia appointed official agent for VTX blades

They have the reputation of being the best blades available with a unique no-compromise design and now they will be available from Soxos Australia. After personally testing several brands of blades our team found the efficiency and performance of the VTX blades to be well ahead of the competition. We think when you try them you will become a fan of the brand too.

Having met some of the people behind the brand and the team pilots at the major events in Europe last year we were able to sit down together at RotorLive in Germany this year and come to agreement with VTX designs to become an official agent for their blades.

Here is what the factory has to say about the innovation built into their blade designs.

No compromises- That was the VTX mindset when they set out to revolutionize the r/c helicopter rotor blade. From the very first sketches, outlining their goals, every decision made was performance based. It was not the easiest nor the fastest road, but it was the only way to design and bring to market the finest rotor blade available. 

Form follows function taken to the next level- Literally every millimeter of the rotor blade is aero data driven. What does this mean? There were no preconceived notions of what the perfect rotor blade should or shouldn’t look like. The VTX team let the aerodynamics have the first and last word, just as it should be.

Unique- Not just a buzz word. Every size of VTX rotor blade is unique in form. That is because each size is unique in the way it performs best. Scalability was never an option. That would have been compromising the goal of bringing the finest rotor blade to the market.

A small initial order is due early next week so keep an eye on the blades section of the web site for the stock to be added.

There is some great discussion around the technical design and performance parameters of these blades directly from the chief designer for VTX in the link below for those who like to get a bit techie.

HeliFreak thread on VTX design

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